Radio 1

-the audience is categorised and measured by RASAR which is partly owned by BBC and Radio centre
-RQIV framework is a standard part of the Trust's Service Reviews
-Research: extent to which the BBC service are used by he audience 
-Quality: measured in terms of audience perception of various aspects of the quality of programmes and channel
-Impact: extent to which BBC content delivers the BBC's public purpose 
-Value for money: consideration of performance alongside cost to provide a perspective on cost effectiveness

-BBC aim to reflect a diverse young audience
-representing whole UK population
-focuses on

Reaching Audiences

-people text in, this appeal to the younger audiences 
-15-24 listened to just over 14 hours per weeks
-7 hours less than average adults
-its suffering because its core audiences is turning away
-doesn't have streaming service, this targeting 15-29
42% of 15 to 24 year olds on social media  follow their radio station page
-it has a bigger impact on social media compared to Radio 2, for example, on YouTube this is due to the younger listeners as the majority of them will watch YouTube

Breakfast shows audiences

-loosing audiences numbers since Nick Grimshaw, however they lost the 30+ audience which they tried to lose as they are targeting a younger audience
-Ben Cooper (Radio 1's controller)
-Radio 1 can't be judged on its live show figured as they used social media more


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