
Online News: Different Opinions

The Guardian: Apocalypse it is then. Not now, but probably next week- The article talks about Theresa May and Brexit. The journalist is Marina Hyde, looking at her other publications she seems to mainly focus on politics as her other articles released in March are about the EU, Brexit and Theresa May. within the article there are many different hyper links, most of them are to different people, quotes or other interesting topics/ facts that people might want to find out about. There is both a photo and a video used in the article, the picture is seen at the top of the page and it shows Marlon Brando and the video is of Theresa May speaking about Brexit. At the bottom of the page there are many different other stories with their links, some of them link as they are also to do with politics or to do with similar people, although there are some stories that don't link to the article at all, for example, there is an article about poor children no being allowed to play on the p...

D83 Audience Profile

The demographic for Deutschland 83 would be A, B and C as the audience would have to be interested in the Cold War and have some knowledge of politics as there are many references to political parties, we also see actual footage from a Ronald Reagan speech so if they didn't know who he was they might not understand. The psychographic of the audience is could be resigned, this is because it says they are orientated to the past so as the series is based on the Cold War they might find this interesting, however it they could also be a reformer as it says they have an independent judgement and seeing as the series isn't very popular as not many people know about it, also none of the actors in the show are well known actors. The demographic effects the text a lot as they are able to use more sophisticated language as their audience will understand it, this also applies to their advertising as they can use certain language that will grab their attention, also it will change where...

Stranger Things- Representation

REPRESENTATION QUESTIONS How are individuals and social groups represented? -group of kids, stereotypical kids, playing  dungeons  and dragons, eating pizza and riding on their bikes -scientists, lab coats,  secretive  underground lab -Nancy, stereotypical girl with pink bedroom, talking to her boyfriend on the phone How are the main characters represented through the use of media language? What social groups can they be seen to fall into?  group of boys- there on their bikes most of the time to show how they have a lot of freedom from their parents, the clothes they wear are geeky clothes, for example, Dustin is seen wearing a karate t shirt. Which individuals or groups are under-represented in the drama? How do you know? Why might this be?  only one black character no homosexuality- bullies call Will a 'fag' Which individuals or social groups are mis-represented in the drama? How do you know? Why might this be? ...

Stranger Things- Character Representation

Questions: Minor or major character do they conform to any stereotypes what are their characteristics what is their contribution to the narrative   Joyce Byers: major he conforms to the stereotype of a mother as she works long hours to provide for her two sons, also when Will go missing she does everything and anything she can to try to find him. adult, mother, white, single parent her contribution to the narrative is being the worried mother who is doing all in her power to find Will and make sure he is safe, just in the first episode you can tell how worried she is even though Will hasn't been missing for that long Will Byers major just looking at the first episode its hard to get a good look into Will's character as he gets taken about 10 minutes in, but from looking at the bits he's in and hearing his personality from his mum and brother he does seem like a stereotypical teenager as he is seen playing board games with his mates and listening to popul...

Stranger Things Narrative and Genre

1. What are the formal codes and conventions of Long-Form TV Drama?  -episodes -plot twists -few main characters -cliff hangers 2. How similar or different are the formal conventions used in Stranger Things?  Stranger Things follows the codes and conventions even in the first episode as we are introduced to the main characters and we are left at the end of the episode on a cliff hanger as the boys meet '11' in the forest. 3. How does this help to develop the genre and the way in which audiences respond (positively or negatively) to long form TV dramas?  The genres of the set texts for example, Stranger Things as a  Science Fiction/Horror hybrid  genre drama or Deutschland 83 as a Spy Thriller genre drama.   4. What codes and conventions are used to help audiences recognise their genre?  Different genres have different codes and conventions, this helps people recognise what genre of movie they are watching, this can sometimes be spotted on fron...

Breakfast Show Greg James

Are they playing a range of new music? They mainly play pop songs thats popular on the chats this is because the majority of the viewers will like it, however later on in the show are times when the least amount of people are going to be listening they will try other genres of music to see if people like it as there aren't as many people. Are they supporting emerging artists - especially those from the UK? Most of the artists that are played are already known by the listeners, this is because their target audiences is 15-29 so they will want to hear songs that they already know, for example, most of the songs on the charts. Are they providing a platform for live music? They have a live  lounge for celebrities to come in and play live for the listeners, this allows people to listen to their favourite artists and see if they sound just as good live, it also allows the radio station to attract more listeners, as well as letting the listeners interact with the celebri...

Cold War

Who the political dispute involved/ was between? The dispute was between America and the Soviet Union, and the two main countries involved where; Germany and America. How long did it last? The cold war lasted around 45 years. How did it affect everyday life for the residents of the countries involved? The people living in the effected areas had to live their lives a certain way and follow the norms that were set from whoever was controlling it, like the Soviet Union. How was Ger many divided? Germany was divided into two halves, East Germany and West Germany, the West were working with America so lived life very differently, for example, the shops in the West where must different as they were getting American products. What's the differences in culture/ society between West and East Germany? West= parliamentary democracy with a capitalist economic system and free churches and labour unions East= was smaller, Marxist socialist republic with its leadership dominated by...