Radio 1
Categorisation: -the audience is categorised and measured by RASAR which is partly owned by BBC and Radio centre -RQIV framework is a standard part of the Trust's Service Reviews - Research: extent to which the BBC service are used by he audience - Quality : measured in terms of audience perception of various aspects of the quality of programmes and channel - Impact : extent to which BBC content delivers the BBC's public purpose - Value for money : consideration of performance alongside cost to provide a perspective on cost effectiveness -BBC aim to reflect a diverse young audience -representing whole UK population -focuses on Reaching Audiences -people text in, this appeal to the younger audiences -15-24 listened to just over 14 hours per weeks -7 hours less than average adults -its suffering because its core audiences is turning away -doesn't have streaming service, this targeting 15-29 42% of 15 to 24 year olds on social medi...