Old Spice Poster Analysis

The reason why there is a beach on his body is because its saying that when you use Old Spice it smells like a holiday, the product will remind you and people around you of a tropical island/ holiday. The reason for this is because most people enjoy going on holiday and look forward to it all year, this means people will buy it just to remind them of holiday. It is also meant in a joke as well as the writing says it smells like that because it 'comes from an anti-perspirant mine in the Bahamas', but after that it says 'this fact has not been fact-checked' meaning it isn't true but could still have some resemblance of a beach, as you can't get the smell of the Bahamas the smell will most likely be of the sea or maybe palm trees. The poster uses humour as there is a volcano coming from the top of his head, he also has a beach on his chest and palm trees coming from it, its so unrealistic it makes it funny so people will stop in the streets and look as it will catch their eyes.


  1. - Be more specific as to who the target audience and how they are appealing to them.
    - What could you say about the model? How is he helping them to promote the brand?


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